Monday, April 25, 2011

"Holy, Holy, the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY!"

When God gave me the direction to be a sign team leader, I never really could fathom how on Earth...or even why He would pick me to lead something so very important. There were times when my dream to have my own sign team looked as if it would never happen. There were times when I would get frustrated because the devil was fighting us so hard. He put up a good fight all the way till the time of us to preform, but we stood our ground, and God took care of us!

Sunday afternoon I began to grow very nervous like I usually do before I sign. I had ran through the song and my parts a few times to make sure I was comfortable. I also gave myself many little pep talks about how the team was ready to this. As it came closer to the time for all of us to meet up and go through the song one more time, my nervousness became even worse. I began to get a bad pain in my leg, which was something I had never had happen before. I knew it was the devil and that I would just have to press through it! We all meet up at 6pm and went to a room to practice the song and pray. While we were praying, the Holy Ghost moved and I could feel the presence of God descend down on us. We made our to the sanctuary and made our way up to the platform to wait until it was time to go on. As we waited you could feel a battle of spirits waring around us. The Holy ghost was laying over us so heavy it was like shield. I had asked the Lord to surround us and protects from what the devil was trying was to do and I believe He did! I though, was still feeling so nervous and the weight of it was becoming worse. I was afraid that I wasn't going to be able to move from my spot. As we were sitting on the platform, a wave of peace suddenly fell over me and I felt much lighter and free. What I did not know, was that multiple people had it laid on them to pray that my nervousness would be removed! God knows just what to do and when to do it!

When the time came to go on, I knew God was getting ready to do something AMAZING for I had already almost broke down numerous time during the service. I placed my team members in their spots and turned to them to indicate that we needed to bless the Lord before we began. As I turned around, I felt the anointing hit me as soon as my ears heard the music. I wasn't even sure I would even be able to sign the very first verse! I was able to half way complete it before the Holy Ghost moved on me! As the spirit began moving, I could feel my team come together as one body. I could see some of us speaking in tongues and crying. God guided my hands that night because I have never been able to be lost in the Holy Ghost and still able to sign! It was the most AWESOME experience! When the song came towards the end, I knew we wouldn't be able to make it towards the end... I felt myself fall to my knees in praise to God as the spirit pressed on us even more! As stood up, Kayla was hunched over crying and I went to her. She was lost in the Holy Ghost and had to be helped off the platform and down the stairs as we exited!

After service was when the reality of what God had done hit us. I was so utterly shocked at the blessings that those who were there received while we signed. The one prayer I prayed at every practice was that God would shine His light through us and that He would become our hands. That He would use us as His vessels. God did something that I never expected in that Easter service, but I truly believe that it's just a sample of the amazing things that's going to come! USE US LORD....We give ourselves to you!!!

~Side Note~ Kayla, Daniel, Elizabeth, and Matthew I want to personally say "thank you" for all of the hard work and effort you guys put into this! Without you guy's dedication and love for God, it wouldn't have been made possible. You all are wonderful gems that I thank God for giving me the chance to know. I am so happy to be able to do this with you guys! Keep up the work for God and He will bless all of you immensely!

Love each of you very much!!!

-Kaitlyn {Team Leader}

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