Friday, April 15, 2011

"The gates of Hell....WILL NOT prevail!"

As practice wound down Thursday night of the 14th, we joined together as a group like we do before and after every practice. As we joined together to give thanks to the Lord for the practice, the spirit of God came down and we had a wonderful prayer meeting, yet again. As the group prayer started dying down, I urged the group to personally pray themselves and entertain the sweet spirit that came into our practice. During this time, I was praying by myself when the Lord spoke to me and told me that the group needed to join together and pray for Kayla. As we did so, the spirit began moving and unexpectedly the lights went out and the room was suddenly pitch black. No one was near the light switches that were located near the doors, nor was it storming outside and nobody came in to turn them off. As we stood there in the darkness, the feeling in the room changed and we knew that this happing was not a good thing! I could feel fear rise up in Kayla and the Holy Ghost prompted me to take her hand. As I did, peace descended into the room and the Holy Ghost moved among all of us. As we we were all praying for Kayla still, the lights came back on and I was given a vision. I seen Demons all around us in a circle. Angry, upset and full of hate, they wanted to attack us BUT glory be to GOD there were Angels blocking their way! They were standing at full height, wings connected with one another creating a grand wall of protection. The Demons were clawing, screaming to get at us...but they COULDN'T! After the prayer for Kayla was over, more things were reveled to us and we took a big prayer that came from a member on the team and laid it on the Alter. In those couple of hours that we practiced and prayed, I had not felt such unity in a long time like I did then. We were not but a body of multiple souls, but we become one body with one soul, working together for Christ's Will.

After I came home that night, I was in such awe of it all. I began thanking God for what He has given me. When I asked Him for a sign team, I expected it to be wonderful and anointed but nothing like how it's gone so far! I've been completely knocked out of the water by these precious souls that God's given me. He personally handpicked some the sweetest young people that love Him very much. Words can not describe the gratitude I feel to Him and my team members. I love my team for multiple reasons, but mainly because in just the two weeks that we have been practicing, we have become not only good friends, but family as well. I see so many wonderful things coming our way. Blessings galore and new paths that will be reveled...and I get to be apart of it! Thank you Jesus for letting me do your work in such a unique and special way! You are WORTHY to be praised!

"For He shall gives His Angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways." Psalm 91:11

-Kaitlyn {Team Leader}

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