Have you ever felt like when everything was going wrong, nothing would go right? Yeah, I felt like that after Easter Sunday when the Devil began throwing all that he could at me and everyone else on the team. I was feeling so overwhelmed that I wondered what God had in store for us. As things began slowing down and becoming calmer, I still had this feeling that the Devil was not done yet. Boy, was I right...but God once again showed up on the scene.
This past Tuesday night Raul Alvear Jr. came to preach at my church. He began preaching and the spirit started to move. At one point during the sermon, some of the men took off running and then some of our Women. Bro. Alvear Jr. asked if he could get 6 more to run the aisles when I took off running. As I did, the spirit breached my team members and sat the stage for the rest of the night. I received my blessing while praying for a friend and Kyla. Daniel got his while praying for Matthew as he was getting his blessing. Meanwhile, Elizabeth was praying with me and Kyla towards the end of service and then got her blessing. I was so proud of my team for pressing in that night!
We all left that night a feeling that God was about to do something BIG! The week brought a busy work schedule and a little stress here n' there but I was looking ahead to our next practice with much excitement! We gathered as we always do and went over our new song a couple of times and talked over some things dealing with our practice. As we closed, we came together in prayer and I noted a heaviness had settled in the room. I could feel that the devil was there with us, trying to keep us from breaking through and touching God. We began rebuking him and praying as hard as we could without stopping. At one point God told me to lay my hand on the top of Kayla's head. As I did so, she hunched over crying and fell to the floor. We gathered around her and started praying with her. I could feel chains being loosen and the devil letting go. We prayed for sometime before we all become quiet. I was prompted by the spirit to start singing "I give myself away". Much to my dismay, I had to sing it! I was so scared to open my mouth because of my fear of singing in front of others. Once I did though, peace came over us like a blanket. I believe more than just Kayla got a touch from God in that after practice prayer. I believe all of us are about to have our lives change in un-believable ways!
- Kaitlyn {Team Leader}
AMEN SISTA!!!! that was awesome ...... i could as well feel that something was being lifted from me. I am so glad that we can have the chance even in practice to feel that.
ReplyDelete-- kayla