Sunday night, was an explosion that I am so glad I was there for! We started service as usual, welcome guests, few words, Bible reading etc. then song service came. Once we started singing everyone started heading down front towards the alter. I could tell something was about to happen. I could feel it, I kept waiting and waiting and waiting yet nothing BIG happened,yet. But I didn't loose hope, I could still feel it. As Bro. Nathan came forward to start preaching I was ready for what he had. With what I felt I was on the edge of my seat. As he winds up the preaching he didnt slow down in his voice like usual. He told the musicians to come to the platform. When they did I noticed that they started some fast music, I could tell what was about to happen. By that point my shoes were off and everyone was headed back down front. After praying with another friend all the way down front for about 10 min. I turned around and saw a fellow team member and something just told me to go back there. So while still speaking in tongues, I made my way through all of the shouting young ladies. Once I got back there I realized who they were praying for, Miss Paula Brackenridge. I had been told just the day before that she was going through some stuff and to be prayin for her. Along with Elizabeth Kane, was Kaitlyn Morgan and Ashley Ezell praying with her. She was bent over crying and praying in the Holy Ghost. Well, Paula was already surrounded on the sides and I couldnt get behind her so I just did what I felt and grabbed her shoulders and bent my head down to be even with her. When I did I dont know what happened but I couldnt talk normal for about 15 min. I was already speaking in tongues but when I layed my hands on her and started praying, something just came over me and I couldnt stop even if I tried. With both of us almost falling down, I just couldnt hold on anymore. Ashley had to catch me and lay me down on a pew beside her. Well, needless to say I didnt stay there very long. I got back up and went right back to where I was. I layed my hands on her and didnt stop. While we were praying Kaitlyn put her hands on Paula's head and started praying some more. By that point we all wound up sitting on the floor. And I thank God for it!! Never have I prayed for someone and wound up layed out. Finally about 15 min. later we start coming back to where we were. We had a total of two layed out while praying for Paula, Kaitlyn and myself. Later that night, I got a message from Kaitlyn that finally made it sink in completely that God was going to use me and that I was a chosen vessel. While reading that tears came to my eyes and had flashbacks the entire night to that moment while praying for her. Paula also told me that I helped her through whatever she was going through well that just made me tear up even more.
Long story short..... we WILL BE USED by God weather the Devil likes it or not! He cant stop us now. Were on warpath and he will NOT win. This sign team is something God had planned for us, and to be used. Not to be made then destroyed.
* Paula, I dont know what you were going through, but my dear its over with! God has it dealt with. If it may not look like it right now, its all clear. Just remember the Devil will try to attack people who are deep in love with God and the church and His truth. The Devil sees you as a threat and he doesnt like it. Well then you know what, just keep doin what your doin! Whatever problems or trials you have in your life, give it to God and He will bring you peace in the midst of the storm. THE DEVIL IS A LIAR!!! He has nothing on you. He may have Hell and all of Hell's angles, but YOU have the Holy Ghost living inside of you and the Bible with His word, sharper than a two edged sword is your weapon. No match against you and Hell can stand.
Love you Paula!!
*and a BIG thank you to Kaitlyn for helping me finally get it deep down in me that i will be used :) and thank you for helping me pray for her:) love you Kaitlyn!
-Kayla (team member)
Matthew 7:7 - " Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.
Mark 11:24 - Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.
But the Lord said unto him, Go thy way: for he is a CHOSEN VESSEL unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel:
-Kayla (team member)